Bill here, i hope you are all well and not to many sore heads? i had a grand day with youngest son and Grandson. I always drive the 150 mile round trip just to be with them at this time of the year, thats what its all about is it not?
The site is coming together slowly, i haver just spent the best part of two hours building and then installing a new logo, but i am still not happy with it, it appears to be to small for my liking. But other than that i managed to get two more of my books listed within the site, so we are progressing at a Slow ahead speed.
Anyway just wanted to check in with you all, and of course next week is the big thing here in Scotland, yes you guessed it right its HOGMANY! there will be a lot of new years parties going on, and i can say without fear of contradiction there will be a lot of sore heads the following day.
Anyway, here is a question for you, i am thinking about adding more books in different genres from different Indie Authors, tell me what you think by leaving a comment below, is that a good idea or not? i'd love to know what you think.
until next time, take care out there and Keep writing and reading.