Here we are almost into week three of the new year already and you look around and think what a mess, rough drafts laying all over your desk, urrghhhhh where do you start i hear you say, My advice for the neurodivergent author out there is this, start where it feels right for YOU to start be it at the beginning, the end, the middle, describing a character in great detail, it doesn't matter where you start as long as you DO start. once you get into the flow you will soon be able to pull it all together and it'll all work out just grand.
YOU have to just MAKE A START.
I am about 2/3rds of the way through my new True crime Triology, yes i have been busy working away on it, but you know what? i enjoy doing what i'm doing and that's all that matters. The objective at the end of the day is to craft stories that people will want to read.
So there you go, of you go and get busy, and ill be back in a few days.